Approaches to the model of reference and bibliographic services for the national library: on the example of the CIS

Автор: Menshchikova S.P.

Журнал: Культура: теория и практика @theoryofculture

Рубрика: Изучаем зарубежный опыт

Статья в выпуске: 5-6 (55), 2023 года.

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The article is devoted to the experience of reference bibliographic services in the national libraries of the CIS member states and Georgia. The structure of the reference departments, servicing remote users, activities to train users in the basics of information culture and the differences between the CIS countries's models and models in Europe and the USA are shown.

Reference and bibliographic service, national library, virtual reference service, teaching the basics of information culture

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IDR: 144163015

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