Adolescent and youth age

Автор: Netkacheva N.A., Sharbasova H.A., Shurukha T.A.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 7 (7), 2017 года.

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Each of us passed this stage in their lives, but few know its consequences. Man as a kid, often turns its attention to all that it attracts and seems ideal. And at this moment adults, and often parents of course show him the right path in life, its not appropriate behavior at home, in society, convincing him that they are right. Created problems of youthful age, should be resolved by the child without adult participation, so important for a child's actions is the support of an adult in his endeavors. The actions that have been made, they will be the first step to understanding the surrounding world.

Child, teenager, parents, age, people

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