Burials of “Pashina site” (the Northern Angara river basin): problems of defining of chronological and cultural background

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The article focuses on an introduction into the scientific use of information obtained from three new burial complexes discovered in the previously known archaeological monument «Pashina Site» (Northern Angara River basin). The conclusion of the age of new burials is based on a comparative analysis of the features of the funerary practices and the accompanying equipment. Among the complexes studied the objects related to the Neolithic and the Early Iron Age are identified. Two radiocarbon dates are analyzed obtained for burial 4, chronological affiliation of which, according to the accompanying inventory, generally corresponds to the I millennium BC. The resulting dates are older, which is not fully consistent with the concept of the genesis of the material culture of the local ancient population. As a result of the discussion the conclusion is suggested that the discrepancy reflects an insufficient elaboration of chronology and periodization of the I millennium BC sites of Northern Angara River basin, built on the basis of traditional archaeological methods, and the lack of typologically selected sites of the beginning of II millennium BC. In conclusion, the proposed age of the burial 4 is limited within the interval of the end Ist of the II – the beginning of the millennium BC. In addition, the original type of the bone plate for the bow obtained from this burial is also presented.


Northern angara river basin, bronze age, early iron age, radiocarbon dating, bone plates for the bow

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147218892

IDR: 147218892

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