The emergence and institutionalization of the project approach in the state administration of Russia in 2005 (2003)-2018

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The article examines the process of the emergence and institutionalization of the project approach in the public administration of the Russian Federation. The formation of its regulatory framework is traced. Attention is drawn to the «advantages» of this approach, which made it a priority in the public administration of Russia of the modern period. It is concluded that at the first, initial stage of its development, in 2005 (2003)-2018, the creation of a regulatory framework was underway, the practice of its application was not yet sufficiently broad. It is also noted that the initial period of institutionalization of the project approach in the Russian system of public administration lasted quite a long time - 15 years.


Project approach in public administration, regulatory framework of the project approach, institutionalization of the project approach in public administration, organization of project activities, project, project activities, history of the development of the project approach in public administration in Russia


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142235980   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2647

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