The poem "Twelve", which will be forever

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In the study two interconnected knots of questions around the interpre-tation of Alexander Blok's poem "Twelve" are considered. The first plot is de-voted to the reasons for the appearance of Jesus Christ in its final. As an analysis of A. Blok's work showed, he viewed the revolution of 1917 in Russia as one of the stages of the collapse of the old and the formation of a new world, a new civilization. As a symbolist Alexander Blok realized that the civilization emerging before his eyes was to have some new symbol. Some- one had to go before the twelve Red Guards, symbolizing developing new world. But this "third force" had not matured at that time. Alexander Blok was not a politician, but as an artist he decided the question of who would go ahead of the twelve Red Guards. From this point of view, Lenin could not be the Other, Solovyev - either. Christ remained. And it was not clear who, except Christ, could go ahead. The second plot is devoted to the influence of the tragedy of Johann Goethe "Faust" on the content of the poem "Twelve"...


Alexander blok, "twelve", vladimir lenin, leon trotsky, poem, faust, goethe, revolution

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