Productivity indicators of almond varieties and forms grown in Babek and Kangarli districts of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

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The article presents the yield of local and imported almond varieties and some newly discovered almond forms cultivated in the territory of Babek and Kangarli districts. Here, the yield from each tree and the yield per hectare were studied separately, and the average yield was calculated for the varieties. Including the productivity of each almond variety and form, the yield per 1 m3 canopy volume, 1 m2 canopy projection, 1 cm2 cross-section of the stamp and 1 m2 leaf surface of the tree was calculated and detailed based on the methods compared with the varieties. Depending on the varieties, the volume of the canopy is 10.54-23.22 m3, the projection area of the canopy is 7.52-11.85 m2, the cross-section of the stamp is 156.23-185.59 cm2, the leaf surface of the tree is 12.31-30.72 m2 The specific weight per m3 of the umbrella is 2.01-2.91 kg, the productivity coefficient per m2 of the projection area of the umbrella is 3.10-4.64 kg, the weight per 1 cm2 of the cross section of the stamp is 0.16-0.28 kg and the weight per m3 of leaf area was 1.30-2.73 kg. Here, the average weight of each fruit, the weight of the kernel, the weight of the seed for each variety and shape were studied and the most productive varieties and shapes were selected and planted in large areas. recommended. Also, among the promising varieties and forms, the varieties and forms with the highest seed yield were identified and selected. It is appropriate to use the selected varieties and forms in planting new orchards.


Harvest, varieties, almonds, crop performance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129703   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/100/28

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