Political figures of Abkhazia: contribution to the restoration and development of the country (historical and cultural cross-section)

Автор: Pilia D.Ch.

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Зарубежный опыт

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.

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The author focuses on the contribution of political figures of Abkhazia Nestor Lakob and Mikhail Bgazhba to the socio-cultural development of the country. The study analyzes the path traveled by two state leaders who lived and worked in different historical periods of Abkhazia. The author presents the portrait of the politician Nestor Lakob, who overcame the difficulties of devastated Abkhazia and led the country to the creation of the SSR Abkhazia. The article shows the active work of Lakoba for the development and uplift of national culture. The author draws the reader's attention to the period of Trotskyism, the Stalinist-Berian regime, which crossed out the successes in building the statehood of Abkhazia. The article examines the end of the 1950s, which changed the socio-political situation of the Abkhazian population. The author presents a political portrait of the head of the Abkhazian ASSR, Mikhail Timurovich Bgazhba, who revived and united the Abkhazian people and introduced progressive changes in state policy. The author emphasizes that Nestor Lakoba and Mikhail Bgazhba are the political leaders of Abkhazia whose activities were aimed not only at the socio-economic development of the state, but also at supporting the spiritual culture of the people.


Political figure, national leader, scientific society, national culture, political repression, personnel policy, cultural elite

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204459

IDR: 170204459   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-2-289-297

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