Political trust in Russia and United States: an experience of comparative analysis

Автор: Kuryukin Andrei Nikolaevich

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Экспертиза

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2018 года.

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The aim of this study is to form a comprehensive view of political trust, both in Russia and USA, as the most important factor in the progressive development of the society and political system in contemporary conditions of globalization. Political trust is considered as a process and result of the personal comprehension and evaluation of the policy, political system and national leader. It is personal and socially conditioned. In Russia, political trust is deeply personified. In the USA the background of trust is an objective evaluation of «my personal future» (economic and social) in the context of political course of president’s administration. The main part in forming this evaluation is the information from American media. That is why the crisis of political trust in USA is the crisis of national political media, and the problem of fake news is in the core of it. In these conditions, the US society can do some steps to the personification of political trust as Russian people do.


Policy, trust, political trust, paradigms, archetypes, globalization

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170170788

IDR: 170170788   |   DOI: 10.31171/vlast.v26i8.6055

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