The policy of Russia and Iran in the Caspian region in the context of the Belt and Road Chinese project

Автор: Beloglazov Albert Vladislavovich, Khafizova Eliza Ilgizarovna

Журнал: Общество: политика, экономика, право @society-pel

Рубрика: Политика

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2017 года.

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The article is devoted to the development of bilateral relations and infrastructure projects of Russia and Iran in the Caspian region as well as the influence of the Belt and Road Chinese project on them. The paper discusses the implementation stages of this initiative and the gradual involvement of Russia and Iran as well as the Central Asian countries in the project. The study analyzes the features of the Russian approach to the project and the formation of the idea of the “great Eurasian partnership”. The authors emphasize that the Belt and Road Initiative and its land component of the Silk Road Economic Belt are not competitive for Russian and Iranian projects. On the contrary, the implementation and participation in it will ensure access of Russian and Iranian products to the growing markets of the Central and Southern Eurasian countries; thereby it will increase sales volume and intensify integration processes. Finally, the authors substantiate the conclusions on the mutually beneficial participation of Russia, China and Iran in this project.


International relations, russian federation, islamic republic of iran, people's republic of china, caspian region, central asia, silk road economic belt, belt and road, great eurasian partnership

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14932188   |   DOI: 10.24158/pep.2017.8.2

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