The full-structured way of committing a crime as an timber industry crimes criminalistic characteristics element (on the example of article 226.1 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code)

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The presented publication relevance determined the strategic assessment of the effectiveness of effective work to counter the turnover of harvested timber until 2030 in the Russian Federation. As an additional contribution to his solution, the author conducted a study of current crime trends in the timber industry based on materials from the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory, 65-70 % of which are covered with forest. The study showed the need to intensify the circulation of honestly harvested timber. Thus, the most common option for selling wood is its smuggling across the customs border. Such thinking is impossible without performing a whole series of actions that form and constitute phenomena that are not considered in the area of attention of the relevant authorities at the stages of previous investigations and should not be consolidated. This entails the need to demonstrate ways of committing crimes under Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as open systems of action, must cover additional actions. During the checks of the thesis set out by the author, a detailed analysis of law enforcement practice and the method of committing timber smuggling was carried out, conclusions were drawn about the finality of the process of committing a crime under Art. 191.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the stages of preparation of smuggling, doctrinal justification for expanding the interpretation of the term full-structural method of committing crimes.


Smuggling of wood and timber, illegal harvesting, storage, acquisition, sale of wood and timber, criminalistic characteristics of the crime, a fully structured method of committing crimes

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IDR: 143183002   |   DOI: 10.55001/2587-9820.2024.30.75.017

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