The standing and the form of the dome of the diaphragm after lungs surgeries

Автор: Vasyukov M.N.

Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter

Рубрика: Оригинальные исследования

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.27, 2019 года.

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Surgical operations on the lungs are accompanied by certain topographic-anatomical changes in the chest. These include displacement of the mediastinum, reduction of the intercostal spaces and the rise of the dome of the diaphragm on the side of the operation. These changes are relevant in clinical anatomy and surgery. The purpose of the study is to identify patterns of topographic-anatomical changes in the diaphragm after lung operations. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of computed tomograms of 113 patients (76 lobectomy, 36 pneumonectomy) after lung operations was performed at various times after the intervention. The level of the diaphragm dome, its shape before the operation, in the early postoperative period, 3, 6, 12 months after the intervention were analyzed. It was revealed that the degree of elevation, the shape, the dynamics of changes in the dome of the diaphragm depends on the volume of the operation and the duration of the postoperative period. Changes after pneumonectomy are irreversible, after resection of the lungs, these changes are reversible. The elevation of the dome of the diaphragm leads to changes in the topography of the abdominal organs. The results of the study should be considered when performing invasive diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions on the chest and abdominal organs.


Dome of the diaphragm, chest, organs of the chest, pneumonectomy, organ's displacement

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143177307   |   DOI: 10.20340/mv-mn.19(27).02.8-12

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