Preparation of glass-ceramic material based on industrial waste by using the low temperature plasma

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The paper presents physicochemical investigations of the structure formation in glass-ceramic material obtained by the innovative melting technique, namely the low-temperature plasma treatment. The opportunity for extending the resource base of raw materials suitable for the silicate melt production was studied. Utilization of recovering refractory resources is rather difficult due to the impossibility to produce melts therefrom. However, plasma torch heating can provide its utilization. Physicochemical processes occurred at melt production and its crystallization are studied in this paper. The main conditions of crystal phase formation are shown herein.


Glass-ceramic material, plasma furnace, low-temperature plasma, silicate melt, crystal phase

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148316655   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-2363-2016-2-3-75-79

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