Near-Earth asteroids population

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The paper deals with the survey of Near-Earth asteroids population (objects perihelion distance of which is not more than 1,3 AU). It is known over than 11 thousands such objects in present time. 863 of them are larger than 1 km, i. e. they can provoke global catastrophe in case of impact with the Earth. The falling of asteroid which size from 100 m to 1 km can lead regional catastrophe. If the size of asteroid is less than 100 m, it will be local catastrophe as in Chelyabinsk in 2013. As consistent with modern estimations we know almost all large asteroids (more than 1 km) in current time, but percent of discovered asteroid decreases with reduction of sizes. A separate class includes 1500 potentially hazardous asteroids; about 10 % of them have size more than 1 km. The orbits of the NEAs are very diverse: semi-major axes are located in the range of 0,55 to 66,1 AU, eccentricities are from 0,0032 to 0,9855, and the inclinations of the orbit to the ecliptic plane are from 0,021 to 154 ° However only 1678 are numbered, i. e. have good determined orbits. The paper contains distribution diagrams of NEAs by semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination and absolute magnitude. Asteroids are divided into classes of Aten, Apollo, Amur and Atira by orbit types. These classes are named after names of its typical representatives. In the paper special attention is paid to the objects which pass through gravity sphere of the Earth in next 185 years. The radius of the gravity sphere is 254316 km. The initial data have been taken from Bowell catalog on epoch 31.09.2014. 39 such asteroids have been revealed, four from them (153814 2001 WN5, 99942 Apophis, 2007 YV56 и 2011 JA) are potentially hazardous.


Potentially hazardous asteroids, orbit elements, near-earth asteroids, close encounters

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IDR: 148177329

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