Attempts to falsify the history of the invasion of the Kuril islands by the Soviet troops (in August 1945)

Автор: Pikalov Yury Vasilyevich, Golovin Sergey Aleksandrovich

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2018 года.

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The falsification problem of Russian history in general and military history of Russia in particular is relevant due to the U.S. attempts to usurp the victory over terrorists in Syria and push Russia into the background in this regard. The most unacceptable fact is the falsification of the USSR contribution to the Second World War, including the war against militarist Japan in the Far East. Unfortunately, along with foreign authors distorting the history of the participation of Soviet troops in the war against militarist Japan, this trend is picked up by the domestic historians. They do not use scientific methods and technologies but apply manipulative techniques typical for the information wars. The paper considers the pseudohistorical methods and technologies of describing the invasion of the Kuril Islands by the Soviet troops in August 1945. These methods include the substitution of concepts designed for the ignorant readers. Besides, the pseudohistorians use emotional images which manipulate human consciousness instead of the scientific facts that affect rational thinking. It results in the judgments on the unjustified cruelty of the Soviet troops to the Japanese units on the Kuril Islands, the violation of the terms of Japanese surrender by the Soviet commanders. The main purpose of such control over the historical consciousness of the Russians is to form an opinion on the illegal accession of the Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union following the Second World War. The paper emphasizes that it is necessary to be more involved in countering the false history of the USSR war against militarist Japan in August-September 1945.


War against militarist japan, invasion of the kuril islands, falsification of russian history, manipulative techniques, unscientific methods of historical research, substitution of scientific methods of historical research

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IDR: 14941406   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2018.1.21

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