Design of HF-band radio frequency lines based on MIMO technology

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This work is concerned with design of HF-band radio frequency lines based on MIMO technology (Multiple Input - Multiple Output). We proposed algorithm for design including following stages: analyzing of types and location conditions of radio stations; selection of MIMO types and multiplicity ratio; selection of antenna system types; adjustment of technical requirements to equipment; fitting and/or development of equipment components. By using proposed algorithm, we synthesized MIMO system 6x6 based on two triple-orthogonal antenna elements for application in the field quickly installed HF-band radio frequency communication systems, described its technical specification, analyzed maximal bandwidth, concluded on ability of its application in HF-band radio frequency communication system.


Mimo, hf-band, design, field complex

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140191795   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2015.13.4.13

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