The procedure for improving the national strategic management system in the context of global risks

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This study is devoted to the issues of improving the domestic strategic management system in the context of global risks and threats. The paper analyzes foreign and domestic experiences of the functioning of strategic management systems in crisis periods. Strengthening global cooperation, strengthening peace and security, fair globalization, sustainable economic recovery, strengthening public-private partnership and increasing global sustainability: these are six key principles that the leaders of countries around the world should adhere to to ensure the effective functioning of strategic management systems at the state level. The study emphasizes that to adapt the national strategic management system to the conditions of geopolitical challenges, the method of situational analysis can be applied, the purpose of which is to determine the list of priority activities, substantiate their resource provision for balanced support of the functioning of all components of the economic (national) security system. The author also notes that the creation of the so-called Bank of Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation would help to significantly improve the quality of strategic management due to the extremely necessary information and analytical support and support. Summarizing, according to the author, the key direction of improving the strategic management system is the formation of conditions for maintaining such a state of the national economy that would fully meet the primary and vital needs, first, of the state, civil society and the population of the country, as well as public authorities and local self-government, corporate sector organizations during the crisis and post-crisis time.


Strategic management, geopolitical challenges, situational analysis, globalization, economic security, global risks

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IDR: 142240556   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3250

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