The last secret of the magnetic field

Автор: Moiseev D.V.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 11 (44), 2020 года.

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This work is a long-term study, more than 30 years, of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. The primary goal of this work was to try to answer the question - what do we see when we observe a pattern of iron filings around a permanent magnet, the field of this magnet itself, or just a configuration of iron filings called magnetic lines of force? And most importantly, what is it, this field of a permanent magnet, and what is its shape? The paradox is that today there is no exact answer to this fundamental question, this is not a complete study! If the electromagnetic field of “moving charges” is fully studied, then the field surrounding a permanent magnet is a “pale spot”, which was skipped, perhaps on purpose, the stage of studying the laws of nature! There are many experiments and observations that lead to other answers and other logical conclusions that say that the study of the field of a permanent magnet is not finished but has just begun! And world-famous researchers stopped their search early… The work presented to your attention is an attempt to continue the study of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet, in which the missing key to understanding this fundamental phenomenon is most likely found, and the entire logical path to the answer to this question is described. The idea was first registered in the Russian Authors ‘ society in 1998, under the title “Prerequisites for a new magnetic theory”, by Dmitry Moiseev. 10 years later, German scientists from the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin, the group of Nikolai Karjilov’s, irradiated a permanent magnet with spin-polarized neutrons and found the same form of the permanent magnet field…


Dmitry moiseev, the last secret of the magnetic field, torsmagnetic field, permanent magnet field, magnetic field

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IDR: 140265143

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