Design & adaptation NewSQL DBMS in the private “cloud”

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The paper dwells on the issues of building NewSQL database in a private “cloud”, subject to the limitations database. It reviews formalized requirements for a future NewSQL database, which will serve EDMS (electronic document management system) and a system of business intelligence of a company. There are developed methods for using NewSQL systems in a private “cloud” to achieve the best performance at preservation of the requirements of ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability). The results of comparing NewSQL database in problems of access and query processing based on the developed techniques are presented. The best version of the selected DBMS building is defined. It is shown that the database meets the requirements of a VoltDB. The VoltDB exceeds the performance more than 2 times compared with traditional solutions. The performance solution has increased by 14 % after application of the developed techniques. It is important to note that the presented solution fully meets the criteria for a private “cloud”.


Dbms, newsql, cloud computing, big data, edms

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IDR: 148177163

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