Constitution of models of the denerminoloisation on the basic of Russian technical terms

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Purpose: The topic of the article is the process of the determinologisation of technical terms in Russian language. The purpose of the article is to describe different types of the process and common parameters of all facts. Results: The material of the work includes more than 130 Russian technical terms that have got figurative meaning. The words have been sampled from lexicographical sources. Verification of the material and search of illustrative contexts was made by means of Russian National Corpus. The analysis of the material demonstrates that technical words that describe material objects and physical facts are able to name social and mental facts as a result of their migration into common vocabulary. The variety of means of determinologisation can be explained by difference between semantic structures of different terms. In non-derivate meaning the semantic of technical terms always includes components ʽdevice, machineʼ, that are absent in semantic structure of the word in figurative meaning. The component ̔device, machine’ can have different place in the semantic structure of a term. It explains non-similar character of semantic and grammatical shifts for different words. Meanwhile the hierarchical status of these semantic components depends from part of speech and derivational parameters of a word. Consequently, we can find models of the determinologisation - groups of words that have got unity of grammatical, derivational and semantic peculiarities. The typology of the models includes three-level classification: by part of speech; grammatical category of the word; grammatical category of the motivating word. Some models includes inside division by semantical peculiarities. A description of each model contains, a list of words with their meanings, illustrative contexts and structure of polysemy with commentary for semantical and grammatical shifts. Comparing of the models demonstrates some regular facts. Determinologisation of concrete nouns uses metaphorical mechanism and linked with grammatical shift in abstract noun. Abstract nouns use generalization and have no grammatical shifts that conduct determinologisation. Relative adjectives use metaphor or generalization depending from grammatical characteristics of motivating word. Their determinologisation is conducted by grammatical shift in qualitative adjectives that is stronger for adjectives that are motivated by concrete nouns. Verbs have no regular grammatical shifts and realize different shades of semantical evolution depending from grammatical and derivational parameters. Conclusion: These notices might be useful to systematic description of semantic evolution of technical terms. It helps to find all possible ways of the process, class productivity of different ways and educe links between models and extra-lingual parameters of the process. Data of the article might be useful for description of the determinologisation of different terminological systems.


Technical and scientific language, terminology, determinologisation

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IDR: 147219683

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