A structure of the saltovo-mayaki culture near the village of Zalomnoye in Belgorod region

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This work studies the material concerning a structure near the village of Zalomnoye in Belgorod Region examined by A.G. Nikolaenko and a local history group Alan in 1973. A.G. Nikolaenko did not publish his examination results, although the material is of certain historical interest, the structure being a cultural site of Zolomnoye settlement. Based on the massive ceramic material and specific items found on the site, the settlement and the structure were related to the Saltovo-Mayaki culture of the 8th-10th centuries A.D. Zalamnoye settlement is located in the floodplain of the Oskol River in a pit between sand dunes directly in contact with the left bank of the river. Therefore, the population of the settlement belonging to the Saltovo-Mayaki culture, due to such geological conditions, could not apply the catacomb burial in sandy soil. The settlement was not subjected to archeological excavations. A half earthen structure located on the edge of the settment close to the river has an almost square shape, with the corners oriented with respect to the cardial directions...


Saltovo-mayaki culture, pottery, ritual, ceremony, cult of fire, settlement, structure

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14116942

IDR: 14116942

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