Selenium intake in plants in the conditions of southern forest-steppe of Omsk region

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The article presents the results of examination of the peculiarities of selenium accumulation in plants of Astragalus galagoides and spring rape in the conditions of southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region on meadow-chernozem soil depending upon methods of its intake. The objects of research are spring rapeseed varieties Zolotoniski and Astragalus galagonidae. There are three methods of its application of the microelement in the field experiment were used: pre-sowing treatment, foliar feeding and basic application. The wetting (exposure time was 12 hours) was used as pre-sowing treatment of seeds. Sprayings were carried out in vegetation period of spring rape in the rosette phase (formation of 3-4 true leaves), Astragalus galagoides - in the phase of regrowth. The accumulation of selenium depends on the culture and method of its application: in the processing of seeds before sowing and in foliar Se intake. There is more accumulated in Astragalus, whereas in the root intake...


Concentration of selenium, southern forest-steppe, processing of seeds, colza

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IDR: 142216215

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