Violation of the right trial within a reasponsable time in an administrative dispute

Автор: Vukićević Petković Milica

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.11, 2016 года.

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Basis of the legal regime in administrative disputes in Serbia consists of two constitutional provisions. The first one stating that everyone has the right that an independent and impartial tribunal established by law, fairly and within a reasonabe time publicly discusses and decides about his rights and obligations. The second one stresses that the legality of individual acts deciding on rights, obligations or lawful interest shall be subject to judicial review in administrative action if in a particular case the law doesn't foresee different judicial protection. The right to trial within a resonable time has been introduced into the legal system of the Republic of Serbia by ratifying the European Convention for the protection of Human Right on 26 November 2003. In our constitutional system, the right is directly introduced in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia from 2006. Beside the guarantees to the right to trial within a reasonable time the Constitution foresees a mechanism for the protection of this right through the particular legal remedy-constitutional complaint.


Trial within a reasonable time, constitutional complaint, the merits of the constitutional complaint in an administrative dispute

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IDR: 170204135   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig1602049V

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