Everyday life of the first Cossack immigrants on the Kuban earth

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In article problems of settling and development of new lands by Russia in Kuban are considered. After entry into structure of the empire of a part of the Transcaucasian lands, this new border it was necessary to protect from attacks of the mountain people, to protect from penetration of the Turkish and English influence on the population of these territories. At the end of 18th - the beginning of the 19th century colonization of the North Caucasus in which not only regular parts, but also the Black Sea Cossack army, and the Caucasian Linear Cossack army participated begins. Especially difficult it was necessary to lineyets since their villages were located near mountain settlements. Inhabitants were exposed to constant danger to be robbed, killed, captured. Difficulties of everyday life on the new uninhabited place became complicated in connection with the Caucasian war. All this created the special militarized tenor of life when each Cossack and the Cossack were ready to rise in defense of the village and stanichnik. Cossacks since the childhood acquired the main principles of Orthodoxy which helped with a regulation of family and public life. They brought the belief also on the new residence. However, among lineyets there were supporters of Old Belief whom orthodox priests tried to return to true belief. In the same time the power in some cases loyally treated religious views of Cossacks, considering their faithful service on protection of the Fatherland.


Kuban lands, black sea cossack army, caucasian linear cossack army, cordon service, everyday life, orthodoxy, old belief

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149124979

IDR: 149124979   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2019-11-4-46-55

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