Pralogic thinking in the structure of personality of patients with non-psychotic disorders

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In the process of experimental work peculiarities of application of pralogical thinking in various areas of vital activity and in normative sample have been revealed. Analysis of vital strategies in people without disturbances testify to excessive use of rely on action of magic forces by the patients what decreases efficacy of social adaptation. Indices of primitive psychological defense in patients with disturbances precede analogous indices of group of healthy ones at the level of reliable significance. Peculiarities of pralogical psychological defense, psychological defense and coping-behavior forming styles of individual reactivity of the personality in interaction with reality, in people without disturbances of health have complex system-level structure promoting social adaptation. In patients with non-psychotic disturbances system of psychological defense and coping is disturbed what decreases their adaptive possibilities.


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IDR: 14295087

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