Right to the results of scientific and technical activities and legal succession on privatization of property of state unitary enterprises

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The article deals with peculiarities of legal regulation of relations on the privatization of rights to the results of scientific and technical activities during the transformation of state-owned unitary enterprises into joint stock companies. Examines the practice of privatizing the rights to the results of scientific and technological activities, including the rights to the results of research and development activities of the military, special and dual purpose, as well as exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activities in organizations of the state corporation «Rostehnologii». Summarizes the results of the inventory of rights to the results of scientific and technological activities in these organizations.


Property complex, state unitary enterprise, privatization, the results of scientific and technological activities, results of intellectual activity, exclusive rights, research and development activities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170152194

IDR: 170152194

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