Guidelines for authors of the journal of computer optics

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The intended audience of the journal of Computer Optics covers a wide circle of researchers and specialists in informatics, applied mathematics, optics, computer engineering, and quantum electronics. The journal of Computer Optics has been included in the RF Minobrnauki's VAK () list of key peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which major research results of dissertations submitted for the scientific doctoral* and candidate degrees are to be published, for the following expert review councils: 1.. In Electronics, Instrumentation Technology, Radio Engineering, and Informatics; 2.. In * Management, Computer Engineering, and Informatics; and 3.. In* Physics. Please, send your suggestions and comments to the establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Image Processing Systems Institute of the RAS to: IPSI RAS, Molodogvardeiskaya st. 151, Samara, 443001, Russia, Phone: (846) 3325783, Fax: (846) 3322763, e-mail: .


Computer optics, image processing, guidelines for authors

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ID: 14058854
