Legal grounds for compulsory psychiatric treatment

Автор: Baranov Vladimir Mikhailovich, Spasennikov Boris Aristarhovich, Pogodina Tatyana Grigoryevna

Журнал: Правовое государство: теория и практика @pravgos

Рубрика: Уголовное право и криминология. Уголовно-исполнительное право. Уголовный процесс

Статья в выпуске: 1 (51), 2018 года.

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The Russian criminal law does not articulate the definition of “compulsory measures of a medical nature”. As a result, each scientific school treats this concept differently and it leads to a number of negative consequences. Characteristics of legal relations arising from the application of coercive measures of a medical nature in the national scientific legal and medical literature is also very diverse. The authors formulate their vision of the definition and characteristics of such legal relationships. It is shown that a person suffering from severe mental pathology excluding strong-willed and conscious behavior can not be held responsible, but has rights that are protected by authorized bodies.


Theory of law, legal relations, compulsory psychiatric treatment, criminal law

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IDR: 142233913

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