The legal idea of the judicial system reforming in the Russian empire in the XIX century

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The judicial reform of 1864 had a great influence on the formation of legal ideas in the Russian society. The article presents the understanding of the points of view of a number of leading pre-revolutionary law scholars on the need and correctness of the reform in the Russian Empire of that time. The practice of European states on the functioning of the judicial system, where there were many borrowed at reform in 1864 in Russia. The reasons for non-acceptance in the minds of Russian people, judicial reform carried out by the tsarist government. The conclusion: judicial reform and legislation in the 70-80-ies of the XIX century, was intended to eliminate the contradictions between the new court and the main political institutions autocracy, however, as a result, this has led to a violation of the integrity of the judicial mechanism.


Court, judicial reform, jury, lawyers, mentality, counter-reform, legislation, punishment

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IDR: 142232614

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