The rule-of-law state is the most important institute of modern society

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In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is the rule-of-law state. Nevertheless, the debates over whether the Russian Federation is really a rule-of-law state do not subside, which justifies the need to study scientifically the problems related not only to the definition of the concept “rule-of-law state”, but also to the intrinsic content of the rule-of-law state. At the same time, the majority of those who are interested in the optimal organization of their life activities are concerned with the ways of forming such a state that ensures the decent development of human society in accordance with people's common ideas on the state. Precisely this state in the modern world has been called “rule-of-law state”. In modern conditions, the rule-of-law state as an organization of political power is a special institution of civil society that functions in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution adopted by popular vote, and therefore is a social contract.


Society, civil society, social contract, state, law, rule-of-law state

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IDR: 142232840

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