Lawful guarantee and realization of financial insolvency monitoring of a commercial bank by the bank of Russia

Автор: Ramazanov Temirkhan Gaydarkhanovich

Журнал: Legal Concept @legal-concept

Рубрика: Трибуна молодого ученого

Статья в выпуске: 2 (17), 2012 года.

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Commercial relations involving a commercial bank are unavoidably accompanied by the appearance of different kinds of risks, in particular, the risk of a bank bankruptcy. On-time obtaining of information about a possible bankruptcy of a credit organization makes it possible for the Bank of Russia to implement the system of the preventive measures, which ensure the perpetuation of banks and the creation of a competitive banking system.

Commercial bank, bank of Russia, monitoring of a bankruptcy risk, bankruptcy prevention, credit institutions, financial insolvency (bankruptcy)

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IDR: 14972910

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