Legal regulation of bio-resource collections in foreign countries (on the examples of Argentina and Ecuador)

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The article describes and illustrates the evolution of the development of constitutional norms characterizing the basic requirements for the creation, conservation, using and development of biological collections in the Latin American countries. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the prerequisites for the development of constitutional and environmental legislation in the region. In addition, the necessity of balancing the interests of the state and society, as well as taking into account the interests of native population, is substantiated. One of the tasks of the conducted research is the identification of cause-and-effect relations, as well as the peculiarities of intercultural interaction in the process of codification and improvement of the legal framework in these countries. The aim of the article determines the choice and application of methods used in the analysis and comparison of normative acts and approaches to regulation. Additionally, the author considers some problems and prospects of the reception and adaptation of legislative acts developed in Latin American countries with regard to the Russian Federation. The conclusion describes proposals and findings about the key directions of improvement of domestic legislation taking into account the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in modern conditions, as well as global trends of development and interaction. The most important among them are globalization, digitalization, integration, and interdisciplinary research on the basis of multinational consortiums that bring together scientists form a wide variety of scientific fields.


Legal regulation, biological collections, legislative analysis, sustainable development law, russian federation

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IDR: 148328298   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.169

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