Limits of admissibility in using criminolistic means of condemning orientation

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The effective use of tactical techniques of the exposure requires special criminalistic knowledge, experience and intuition. An investigator must think not only about the achievement of his aims, but also about his actions, they must be legal and allowable. Tactically correct and skilful conducting of interrogation of a suspect and an accused to a considerable extent determines the quality of the whole pre-trial insvestigation. Investigative actions should primarily meet the requirements of procedural law. The main limits of acceptable practice on the use of a reception especially are legal and ethical. The problem of using entirely legal and moral justified means for an absolute and full execution of criminal proceedings in general and also for solving problems connected with investigation and detection of crimes is very important in our modern life.


Deception, interrogation, interrogation technique, exposure technique, inspector, conflict, investigation situation, tactics, ban, lawfulness, ethics

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