Predicative factors of recurrence process of the self-destructive behavior

Автор: Pilyagina G.Ya., Chumak S.A.

Журнал: Суицидология @suicidology

Статья в выпуске: 2 (15) т.5, 2014 года.

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The randomized examination of 124 suicidents who done non-repeat self-destructive acts (suicidal attempts) and 86 suicidents who repeated self-destructive acts (suicidal attempts) was conducted. The study explored pathway mechanisms of the «suicidal career» development. There were shown significant influence of sociodemographic indexes, psychopathologic disturbances and specific self-destructive features in the both matching groups. The adjustment, affective, personality, alcohol and drug abuse disorders and it combinations had direct influence to suicidogenesis. Psychopathologic disturbances, indexes of presuicidal and postsuicidal periods, motivations and anamnestic self-destructive equivalents had depended from manifestation or recurrence of self-destructive behaviour and concrete clinic types of it.


Self-destructive behaviour, repeating of self-destructive acts, the suicidal carrier

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IDR: 140141425

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