Representative (legislative) authority: issues of concept and content

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The article analyzes the terms «representative» and «legislative» authority related to the theory of separation of powers. The authors conclude that there is a close mutual connection, but these terms cannot be interchanged. The article reveals a representative nature of legislature and views the main properties, which allow clarifying its concept. As characteristics of representative authority are analyzed the following: electivity and representation of people’s interests; collegiality in composition and order of development and decision-making; special nature of relations between people's representatives and voters. As special characteristics of legislative authority are defined three of its functions: legislative, controlling and financial. The definition of representative (legislative) authority is made as combination of legislative, supervisory, financial and other powers delegated by the people or its part to their elected representatives, united in a special collegiate institution (Parliament) on a strictly fixed period.


Principle of separation of powers, branch of the government, representative authority

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IDR: 142232724

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