Preliminary variety testing of new perspective, economically valuable hybrids of grain crops of selection of Yakut Research Institute of Agriculture in the III farming zone of Yakutia

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The results of the researches of preliminary va-riety testing of new perspective, economically valu-able hybrids conducted in the conditions of the Amginsky Ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) were considered. The researches objective was to study and pick up new perspective grades and hy-brids of grain crops possessing high and stable productivity, environments, steady against adverse factors, with the complex of economically valuable signs; to carry out their preliminary variety testing in the III agricultural zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For this purpose research and production laboratory "Poisk" was established in 2013 on the basis of Agricultural Production Complex “Amginsky”. In total 6 perspective hybrids were in-cluded in the testing. As standards zoned wheat grades Prilenskaya 19, Tammi's barley, oats Pokrovsky were used. All studied hybrids in two years of tests authentically exceeded standard grades on grain yield. In general for selection on resistance to drowning valuable initial materials were hybrids of N-34 wheat, oats k-4880, M-56 bar-ley, in the resistance to drowning they had high 8-9 points. The hybrids of N-34 wheat on the efficiency and resistance to drowning, oats k-4880 on pre-cocity and fineness of grain, M-56 barley on productivity and on another economically useful properties are of interest to further studying. Follow-ing the results of researches the oats hybrid k-4880 under the name of "Vilensky" is transferred to the state variety testing. A new grade is early, fruitful and steady against drowning, with a complex eco-nomically valuable signs. The oats of the grade Vilensky successfully passed the state variety test-ing and is zoned on the I-III agricultural zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The patent has been received. Primary seed growing of this grade was carried out. The hybrids of spring wheat of N-34, M-56 barley pass further studying in nursery of com-petitive variety testing. According to the results of the research, they are recommended for transfer to the state variety testing for I-III agricultural zones of Yakutia.


Hybrid, wheat, oats, barley, productivity, vegetation period, variety testing, yield, lodging

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224158

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