The reasons for the changes in the understanding of sovereignty in the XXI century

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In this article the views of national and foreign scholars have been considered the reasons for changes in the understanding of the concept of sovereignty. Special attention was paid to the specific features of sovereignty of unrecognised states and microstates. The author concludes that the reasons for changes in the understanding of sovereignty at the present stage of development of the world system are the processes of globalisation and their impact on sovereignty, a series of humanitarian interventions and interference in the internal affairs of the state, international law, the increase in the number of states and the emergence of microstates that can sell and delegate their sovereignty. However, sovereignty continues to be an essential attribute of the state.


Sovereignty, globalisation, world processes, states, transformation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204975   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-4-186-189

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