Causes, treatment and prevention of abomasal displacement in Holstein-Frisian cows

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Poor nutritional management in the last trimester of pregnancy affects all types of metabolic diseases such as ketosis, hypocalcemia, acidosis, and can also cause abomasum displacement. Abomasum displacement is an acute disease characterized by a displacement of the abomasum to the left (the abomasum is located caudodorsally between the scar and the left abdominal wall) and to the right (the abomasum is located between the right abdominal wall and the intestine). High-yielding cows are more likely to get sick. Abomasum displacement occurs in Holstein-Friesian cows in 3-8 % of cases. The damage from this disease is enormous, as conventional treatment is ineffective and economically disadvantageous. Consequently, breeders must be prepared to lose 30-80 heads due to displacement of abomasum after 1000 cows calving. Since cows of the Holstein-Friesian breed have become more often bred and this disease is quite common, specialists in farms have questions about how dangerous it is, how it manifests itself in animals, how to treat and prevent it. The studies were carried out on the basis of LLC "Sibirskaya Niva" Livestock Complex "Elban", the Novosibirsk Region. The paper describes the main reasons for abomasum displacement in Holstein-Friesian cows in this farm. An analysis of the feeding and maintenance of dry cows and cows in the first month after calving was carried out, and a direct dependence of the occurrence of this pathology on the composition of the diet was revealed. Several treatment regimens are presented and the most effective ones are described. It was revealed that the most effective methods of treating the abomasum displacement is a puncture, since this manipulation does not entail serious complications and the negative effect of pathogenic microflora on the animal's body reduces.


Cow, holstein-friesian breed, displacement of abomasum, treatment regimen, prevention

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254819   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-6-97-104

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