Application of biological products of complex action and biofertilizers in original seed farming of potatoes

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In the field experiments (2013-2015), the effect of presowing treatment of potato tubers with complex biologics on the basis of associative rhizobacteria, growth stimulants and biofertilizers on the yield and quality of the initial material grown from in vitro and in the nurseries of the 1st field reproduction was studied. The studies were carried out within the Geographic Network of Experiments with Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganisms, created by the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (St. Petersburg, Pushkin) in various soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation, including the West Siberian region. In the experiments, the preparations of associative nitrogen fixers produced by VNIISKhM were used on the basis of bacteria isolated from various soils and rhizosphere of plants, growth stimulators of the Mival agro agrobion; biofertilizers: potassium humate, zeolite. To determine the effectiveness of the tubers were processed and chemical preparation "Prestige". The number of microorganisms was determined on solid nutrient media by conventional methods. The yield increase was 3.1-6.0 t / ha with a decrease in tubercle rhizoctonia (Rizoctonia solani) by 23-60%, Actinomices scabies by 45-76%. The effectiveness of biopreparations varied depending on the cultivar (genotype), biopreparation, the activity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms and external conditions. The greatest effect was obtained from the use of Mizorin (Arthrobacter mysorens pcs 7), PG-5 (Pseudomonas putida), Flavobacterin (Flavobacterium sp. Strain L-30) in the bacterination of potatoes of early-ripening Alen. The Mival agro growth promoter and zeolite also showed high efficiency. Commodity tubers increased by 1.5-6.5%. Under the influence of biofertilizers, an increase in the number of microorganisms in the potato rhizosphere by 42-92% relative to control was observed.


Potato, variety, biological preparations, growth stimulators, biofertilizers, associative rizobakteriums, western siberia

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199415

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