He use of Integro GIS in the complex analysis of geophysical data to assess the reservoir properties of sedimentary formations

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Using the materials of complex geophysical studies of the junction zone of the Bay-Kit anteclise and the Kurey syneclise as an example, the methodology and technological techniques for assessing the reservoir properties of sedimentary formations of the cover of the Siberian platform using GIS INTEGRO are demonstrated. The presented graph includes an analysis of data from potential fields with zoning according to the criteria of proximity to an object with "ideal" reservoir properties and procedures for identifying high-conductivity zones in sections of specific electrical resistances that are promising for the search for hydrocarbon traps. Based on the results of a comprehensive analysis conducted based on geological information, seismic and borehole materials, as well as information on the physical properties of rocks, maps of the distribution of objects with improved reservoir properties were built for the most promising oil and gas complexes in the research area.


Potential geophysical fields, magnetotelluric sounding, oil and gas prospecting, baikitskaya anteclise, kureyskaya syneclise, reservoir properties of sedimentary rocks, procedures for statistical analysis of geophysical complex data, geoinformation system


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14129826

IDR: 14129826

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