Priority areas for the prevention of juvenile delinquency

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Analysis of the priority areas of prevention of juvenile great-Offences of the Russian Federation. On the basis of summarising experience of juvenile delinquency prevention and data of modern sociological studies, the author was able to establish the most common offenses committed by the minors, and to identify their causes. Administrative offenses committed by juveniles have a similar character in all regions of the Russian Federation (offenses related to drinking of alcoholic beverages, the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, disorderly conduct and petty thefts etc.). The study of legal practice has shown that the main causes of offenses committed by juveniles are low level of legal awareness and legal culture of juvenile offenders; a large number of educationally disadvantaged families, the lack of proper control of a minor by the parents (legal representatives); non-execution of duties on education, training, and (or) the support of the minor; lack of an integrated system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, aimed at detecting and preventing crimein the early stages.


Prevention, crime, minors, legal regulation

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IDR: 142233730

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