Priorities for increasing the efficiency of the regional economic structure

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The article is devoted to the need to create highly efficient territorial socio-economic systems in the regions. The transformational processes taking place in the Russian Federation cause a significant differentiation of regions in terms of the level of socio-economic development, an increase in inter-regional contradictions, and social and environmental tension. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to accelerate economic growth, improve the standard of living of the population and the environmental situation in all regions of the country on the basis of increasing the efficiency of the structure of the regional economy. The authors assign a key role to the creation of innovative territorial socio-economic systems in the implementation of the structural modernization of regional economies. The paper identifies priority areas and mechanisms for the formation of such systems, namely, the development of manufacturing industries based on the in-depth processing of raw materials, the use of advanced high-tech equipment and technologies, the creation of the required number of jobs and the improvement of the natural and ecological environment of the region. Recommendations are formulated to improve the efficiency of the structure of the economy of the Republic of Bashkortostan through the implementation of state policy aimed at structural restructuring of the regional economy in seven territorial socio-economic systems of the region. The tools of state regulation of the territorial development of the regions of the Russian Federation are proposed, including the use of territorially differentiated economic standards, subsidies, subventions, the creation of a “Fund for equalizing the social development of cities and regions of underdeveloped territorial systems of regions”.


Territorial socio-economic systems, structural modernization of the regional economy, increasing the efficiency of the economic structure

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142236248   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2480

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