Probiotic of the new generation in the functional food of dairy calves

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Currently, a large amount of evidence of the usefulness of probiotics in the technology of rearing young farm animals has been accumulated. Probiotic preparations prescribed for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes should be not only safe, but necessarily effective, since these properties affect the economic component of the enterprise. The clinical efficiency of probiotics is determined not only by the characteristics of the strains, but also by the adequacy of the daily and course dose, which should not be underestimated or exceeded. Modern studies prove the identity of the effects of probiotic products and functional foods containing probiotic strains in optimal concentration on animal health. The determination of prophylactic and therapeutic doses of probiotics in calves in the early age periods remains an urgent task for animal husbandry. In the presented studies, the characteristics of the growth indicators and the morphobiochemical composition of the blood of calves after the application of a new preparation based on the spore-forming strains "Triolin" are reflected. The studies have shown that feeding probiotics in different doses has a positive effect on the growth of young animals. Thus, the average live weight of calves at the end of the experiment in I, II, and III experimental groups exceeded control by 1.2%, 1.47%, and 2.5%, respectively. Based on the blood of animals, it was found out that the probiotic had no negative effect on the body, regardless of dosage. In addition, at the end of the experiment, the economic efficiency of using the probiotic under study was calculated. Thus, the highest value of profitability turned out to be in group III and was 16.1%, the indicator of which exceeded the values of the control, I and II experimental groups by 9.5%, 2.5%, and 2.4%, respectively. Thus, according to the results of the dynamics of growth of calves and the economic efficiency of probiotics, it can be concluded that 10 grams of the drug per head per day for 20 days of feeding is the optimal dosage in the technology of rearing young dairy.


Probiotics, growth dynamics, blood composition, economic efficiency

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IDR: 147230650   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.3.135

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