The problem of the formation of moral and cultural values in the value system of modern adolescents

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The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of moral and cultural values among modern teenagers. The facts are presented that negatively influence the value orientations of adolescents associated with the transformation of social consciousness. The particular relevance of moral and cultural values for adolescents is shown. Training and education in the formation of value orientations in adolescents are the life guidelines, goals and motives of the younger generation. Therefore, such an important task of psychologists and school teachers is to constantly help a teenager in self-realization and self-disclosure of the positive potential of his personality, spiritual and moral value orientations within the educational space, in the process of socially organized educational and educational activities. In adolescents, cultural identification is transitive, transitional in nature and has new forms in the changing consciousness.


Value, cultural and moral value, value orientations, teenager, personality, moral standards

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IDR: 170205442   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-3-100-102

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