The problem of determining the location of damage on the main overhead power lines with an isolated neutral supplying the agro-industrial complex

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The problem of remote determination of the location of damage on the main overhead power lines with isolated neutral supplying the agro-industrial complex is described. The influence of capacitive currents in the line does not allow determining the distance by remote way. A variant of using an unmanned aerial vehicle with additional installed equipment for probing lines during damage is proposed. A review of the existing methods for determining the location of damage on lines with an isolated neutral has been carried out. The device for sounding power lines, used when inspecting the lines by the repair team, is analyzed. An algorithm has been developed to refine the program for the movement of unmanned aerial vehicles used on power lines for periodic inspections. The algorithm takes into account the options for finding damage both on the straight section of the line and on the branch. The shortcomings of the proposed version of an unmanned aerial vehicle with special equipment installed on it are given.


Location of damage, overhead power lines, isolated neutral, reliability of the power supply system, unmanned aerial vehicle

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IDR: 147240739

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