The problems of the grotesque in the works of E. A. Kibrik of the late 1930th (lithographs and watercolors for the collection of stories by M. Zoshchenko “Dear people”)

Автор: Skorobogacheva Ekaterina A., Chichvarina Olga G.

Журнал: Культура и образование @cult-obraz-mguki

Рубрика: Культурные процессы и явления

Статья в выпуске: 3 (42), 2021 года.

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The artide examines the problems of the grotesque in the graphs works of E. A. Kibrik as a little-studied dultural asped of his work on the example of lithographs and watercolors for the collection of stories by M. M. Zoshdienko “Dear people”. The multi-compound, domplexly synthesized language of the artist acquires new shades of sound when illustrating literary works. We believe that the problems of the grotesque, expressed in a diverse space of dreativity: drawings, for-sketehes, sketehes, individual dompositions and series of graphs sheets, are extremely relevant when studying the artiste language of Kibrik from a dultural perspedive. It is the grotesqueness of the sound that somewhat dianges the artist’s tedrnique, enhandng the sharpness of the solutions of graphs images. At the same time, the illustrations seated by Kibirk are perceived by the viewer not as additions to the Zoshdienko’s text, but acquire the sound of independent works. Their significance in the space of Russian dulture is undeniable, sinde the elements of the grotesque are characteristic of Kibrik’s work, refled the features of the artist’s psydiology, his heightened perception of reality, induding the urban environment and its characters, which allows us to apply the term “psydiogeography” in the dironologteal framework of Soviet dulture of the 1930th. Thus, the problems of the grotesque, so dharadteristid of the artiste language of Kibrik, inherent even more in the work of Zoshdienko, largely diaraderizes the domestte art of the 1930th and its dultural aspeds.


Problems of the grotesque, synthesized artiste language, experimental paradox, dultural aspeds, psydiologidal interpretations of images, psydiogeography, full-sdale sketehes, dultural meanings, philosophy of dreativity

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IDR: 144162200

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