Problems of the activities of the internal affairs bodies of kurgan during the Great Patriotic War

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The article analyses the problems faced by the employees of the internal affairs and state security agencies of Kurgan during the Great Patriotic War. In the conditions of the most severe trials of war, the activities of these agencies played a vital role in maintaining law and order and combatting internal threats. The study is highly relevant due to the comprehensive analysis of the activities of all public and state security agencies of Kurgan in 1941-1945. The sources are archival documents, including archives of law enforcement agencies. Based on the analysis of documents, many of which have not been published anywhere before, the author proves that the key problems at that time were the shortage and unpreparedness of personnel, as well as financial difficulties experienced by many small rear towns during the Great Patriotic War. These sources include reports, statistical reports, internal documents, as well as citizens’ appeals, which made it possible to look at the activities of law enforcement agencies from different angles. At the same time, each law enforcement agency experienced certain problems which were also reflected in the study. The article emphasizes the importance of assessing the activities of security agencies in war conditions, which allows for a deeper understanding of the specifics of their work in extreme conditions. The study not only expands existing knowledge about the activities of internal affairs agencies in Kurgan, but it can also serve as a basis for practical application in modern conditions, when issues of security and law and order remain pressing.


Great patriotic war, kurgan, police, nkvd, nkgb, obkhss

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246030   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240402

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