The problems of genetic transformation of plants: methodic approaches (review)

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The natural transformation of plant by means of Ti- and Ri-plasmids of Agrobacterium and construction of the vectors - the carriers of necessary determinants - on the basis of this plasmids were discussed. The author describes the methodic approaches and different ways of genetic transformation by the vectors constructed in vitro: the genes transfer to protoplasts, direct transfer of Ti-plasmid DNA, cocultivation with Agrobacterium and spheroplasts, microinjections, electroporation and packing of DNA in liposomes. They presented the methods of microbombing of plant tissues by the particles of gold or tungsten with DNA molecules and also non-traditional methods of plants transformation. The transfer of genes by germinating pollen have received the special attention. The character of inheritance and the structure of transferred foreign genes were considered, that in itself is of great importance.


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IDR: 142132944

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