Well-being of the older generation in the context of regional social policy

Автор: Belekhova G.V., Shmatova Yu.E., Natsun L.N., Soloveva T.S.

Журнал: Народонаселение @narodonaselenie

Рубрика: Экономическое поведение населения

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.27, 2024 года.

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The global aging of the population is one of the main demographic trends of our time. Taking into account the irreversibility of the situation as concerns the population reproduction reducing in Russia, public authorities’ efforts to maintain the potential of older people’s resources and create conditions for healthy and active aging of people are logical. These efforts are reflected in various programs and strategic documents. Therefore, it is important to understand how the government’s current policy concerning older citizens meets their needs and expectations. Within the framework of the article, this goal is achieved by comparing the characteristics of the socio-economic situation for older people, identified through a long-term sociological research, with the goals and objectives of the regional project «Older Generation» (using the example of Vologda Oblast). The key challenges affecting the well-being of older people are highlighted: health problems in the form of chronic diseases that may lead to reduction of social interaction; a wide gender gap in life expectancy and prevalence of social isolation; low levels of material well-being, dissatisfaction with different aspects of life, and reduced emotional and psychological well-being. The study shows that the comprehensive program implemented in the region is aimed at improving the quality of life of older people by addressing their health problems, maintaining their social activity, but it takes less account of the issues related to the material well-being and negative social stereotypes about this category of population. In conclusion the authors stress the necessity of adjusting the activities of the regional project «The Older Generation» with the account of the identified shortcomings.


Demographic ageing, older generation, well-being of the older generation, public policies concerning elderly people

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143183592

IDR: 143183592   |   DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-3-180-192

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