Problems of training software developers, teaching information science, information technologies and information security in higher educational institutions

Автор: Fokin Roman Romanovich, Abyssova Marina Alekseevna

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2013 года.

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The article deals with such important aspects for a team of software developers, as providing continuous education of its members. In connection with this the author speculates on the problems of interaction of the company-developer with a higher school, problems of structuring a team of software developers with students during techniques of problem teaching classes, problems of teaching Informatics, information technologies and information security.

Software, team of developers, continuous education, problem teaching, information technology, information security

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14116758

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