Problems of software implementation of multiversioned views runtime of algorithms for data processing in control systems

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The problem of software implementation multiversioned views runtime data processing algorithms in information and control systems is discussed. The possibility of using existing multiversioned views models to improve the reliability of the software (SOFTWARE) for implementing the runtime of algorithms for data processing in control systems is shown. The determining element of multiversioned views of the system unit is a decision about the correctness or incorrectness of States multiverse. This unit shares the results (outputs) of multiple software versions on the “correct” and “incorrect”. There are several methods of such separation. The most common of them are based on the classification outputs. The most promising of these techniques are voted by an absolute majority vote agreed upon by the majority, and fuzzy voting agreed upon by the majority. In the framework of suggested improvements to these techniques, namely, weighted voting agreed upon by the majority and fuzzy weighted voting agreed upon by the majority. Methods of this group are based on the comparison of the outputs of multiverse and placing identical of them in the same classes (subsets). However, in cases where calculations are not performed with integers, the determination of the identity of outputs is difficult. To resolve this problem, the notion of value equality: we will say that two numbers are equal if they differ by less than some acceptable deviation. These ratios do not require the properties of transitivity. In other words, if it is known that |a b|


Information processing, multiversioned views software, system management, fault tolerance

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IDR: 148177333

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